Thursday, April 24, 2008

montréal - ahh, printemps...

Ah, spring time has come... What a wonderful time to watch the birds sing, a time to see the trees getting colorful, people sunbathing, a time to ride the bike in the park, a time for your Japanese roommate make you NOT use the dryer and hang your underwear on the clothesline... WTF?!?! E ainda come peixe em TODAS (café da manhã inclusive) as refeições, deixando a casa inteira fedendo o dia todo. Damn.

Samuka monstro.



Anonymous said...

a camiseta preta no varal eh sua??

cabe quantos adrianos nela??



Anonymous said...

Ow agora q eu vi o post p/ SHAMAN!!!! Meu Deus!!! Vc terá a vida eterna!!

PS: O shaman disse q confia mais em mim no q nele!!! Posso morrer feliz tb!!!!
